Catastrophic Injury

Automobile collisions are one of the leading causes of serious injury and death in the United States. Motor vehicle accidents are not actually “accidents” in the true sense of the word, but are typically caused by the negligence or unlawful conduct of others. Injuries sustained from motor vehicle accidents can significantly impact the life and livelihood of the injured party.
If you are injured in an automobile accident, you will sustain costs related to your medical treatment, as well as other indirect costs. Injuries may be life threatening, or may consist of soft tissue injuries, spinal injuries or broken bones. Following an automobile accident, you should be evaluated by a medical professional as soon as possible to determine the extent of your injuries and an appropriate treatment plan. Treatment may include surgical procedures, chiropractic care and physical therapy.
Andres Alarcon can assist you in obtaining monetary compensation to cover your current and future medical treatment, as well as other indirect damages you may sustain as a result of falling victim to a motor vehicle accident. Indirect damages may include lost wages for the time you take off work to recover from your injuries and compensation for your pain and suffering. If you are unable to perform regular household tasks, such as cleaning, cooking or maintaining your yard, you may also be entitled to receive compensation to cover the cost of hiring a household services assistant.
It can be difficult to recover adequately for prolonged medical treatment or many months of lost wages, pain and suffering without retaining experienced legal counsel to negotiate and litigate your claims against the big insurance companies. Andres Alarcon will review your accident report, medical treatment and unique situation. He will aggressively and competently represent you to ensure that you are fairly and adequately compensated for your injuries.
Call us now at (801)994-3034 or email us at to schedule your free automobile accident consultation.